"_id": "http://culture.si/en/Special:URIResolver/Snowdrops_and_Primroses_Festival",
"rdf:type": [
"Articles maintained by Michael Jumic",
"Festivals in February",
"Music festivals",
"foaf:name": [
"Festival Zvončki in trobentice, mini festival slovenske glasbene ustvarjalnosti"
"rdfs:label": [
"Snowdrops and Primroses Festival"
"swivt:page": [
"csi:Contact": [
"Festival Zvončki in trobentice, mini festival slovenske glasbene ustvarjalnosti"
"csi:Country": [
"About Slovenia"
"csi:Page_ID": 17426,
"csi:Category": [
"Festivals in February",
"Music festivals"
"csi:Has_query": [
"csi:TeaserImg": [
"File:Snowdrops and Primroses Festival 2020 Festival panel Photo Nada Zgank.jpg"
"foaf:homepage": [
"csi:Founded_by": [
"Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre"
"csi:TeaserText": [
"The Snowdrops and Primroses Festival, taking place annually in Club Cankarjev dom, is dedicated to Slovenian jazz creativity and reflects the ongoing evolution of composition, methodology, and performance of new music, both locally and internationally, regardless of the location of the leading protagonists' established domicile."
"dc:description": [
"The [[Snowdrops and Primroses Festival]], taking place annually in Club [[Cankarjev dom]], is dedicated to Slovenian jazz creativity and reflects the ongoing evolution of composition, methodology, and performance of new music, both locally and internationally, regardless of the location of the leading protagonists' established domicile."
"csi:Revision_ID": 326516,
"csi:Category_slo": [
"csi:Festival_end": [
"csi:Page_creator": [
"User:Anže Zorman"
"rdfs:isDefinedBy": [
"csi:TeaserImg_url": [
"csi:Festival_dates": [
"23.2.2015, 23.2.2016, 7.3.2017, 27.2.2018, 5.3.2019, 25.2.2020, 9.2.2021, 8.2.2022, 14.2.2023, 13.2.2024 - 14.2.2024, 11.2.2025"
"csi:Festival_start": [
"csi:Festival_weeks": [
"swivt:wikiNamespace": [
"swivt:wikiPageSortKey": [
"Snowdrops and Primroses Festival"
"csi:Number_of_revisions": [
"csi:Founded_by_localname": [
"Cankarjev dom, kulturni in kongresni center"
"csi:Modification_date-23aux": [
"swivt:wikiPageContentLanguage": [
"swivt:wikiPageModificationDate": [